My Story

As far back as I can remember, greenery and landscape have always been my point of reference, my horizon line. Real, tangible things to hold between my fingers from seed to compost. I am forever mesmerized by the mountains and forests of the Appalachians.

Native to western Maryland and a newly Pennsylvanian transplant tucked into the foot of Cove Mountains, I’ve self-studied herbalism and gardening for over ten years with a focus in bio-regional herbs and how to grow food with what space you have available, no matter where you live.. After seeing empty shelves in the 2020 pandemic, I began digging into the world of homesteading with a desire to become less reliant on big box grocery store and to eat with the seasons. Homesteading looks different to everyone and should be accessible to all no matter where you live. I’m currently enrolled in the Penn State Extension Master Gardener program as my first step in community outreach. My small dream is to help my community, friends and family with their plant and gardening needs while my big, big dream is to one day open a community garden.

In other spaces, you’ll find me learning how to enjoy and appreciate cooking the things I grow in my backyard, sketching digital art, playing DnD and creating music with Kindred Crow.